Obsidian Markdown Tasks (obsidian_markdown_tasks)

Column Name Type Description
path string Full path to the page the task is located on.
modified number Time where parent note was last modified.
task string  
status string The value of the character between the braces for the checkbox.
content string The full tasks string with no parsing or stripping of characters.
text string The text only part of the task, without list and checkbox prefix.
line number The line number the task can be found on for the page.
tags string[] Collection of tags.
tagsNormalized string[] Collection of tags that have been converted to lowercase.
dueDate string When the task is due [‘📅’, ‘due::’]
doneDate string When the task is done [‘✅’, ‘completion::’]
startDate string When the task can be started [‘🛫’, ‘start::’]
createDate string When the task is created [‘➕’, ‘created::’]
scheduledDate string When the task is scheduled next [‘⏳’, ‘scheduled::’]
doDate string When to do the task [‘💨’, ‘do::’]
priority number Priority of task based on indicator [‘⏫🔼🔽’, ‘priority::’]
cleanTask string The task string with all metadata removed.